The singular purpose of Bio360 Expo is to serve the global effort to preserve our planet by accelerating the biotransition.
The event attracts 450-500 international exhibitors making Bio360 Expo a genuine point of exchange for global bioknowhow covering all aspects of bioenergy and the fast growing biobased sector, including:
– Solid bioenergy: biomass and wood-energy, solid waste recovery, forestry and agricultural co-products for co/tri-generation, district and industrial heating, and renewable green gas.
– Liquid bioenergy: liquid biofuels for the road, maritime and aviation transport sectors
– Gaseous bioenergy: biogas, biomethane, bioNGV, green hydrogen for local consumption or broader distribution
– Biobased materials and products: bioplastics, biochemicals, biomaterials, biopharmaceuticals, biotextiles, biocoatings, bioadditives etc.
– Biochar: biochar has a large evolving range of usages from agriculture and soil management, for livestock, water management, construction, biocomposites …
– Carbon capture and utilization / storage (CCU/S)*: capturing and utilising CO2 for chemicals, fuels, feed, materials…
7000-8000 participants from 35 countries converge on Nantes for two full days from across a range of sectors, each of which plays a key role in developing bioenergy and the bioeconomy, including:
– Agriculture
– Forestry and wood
– Bioenergy and bioeconomy sectors
– Energy
– Transport
– Finance
– Public bodies
– Elected representative
– Innovators
– Research institutes
– Associations & Federations