9th International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste

9th International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste

VENICE 2022 – 9th International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste – will be held from 21st to 23rd November 2022 at the Hotel Monaco & Grand Canal in Venice, Italy.

The Symposium is organised by IWWG–International Waste Working Group with the scientific support of the Universities of Hamburg (DE), Padova (IT), Queensland (AU), Rostock (DE), Tongji (CN) and Zhejiang (CN).

The production of energy from alternative sources and its impact on climate change are among the main strategic tools implicated in the sustainable development of society, particularly in this period where geopolitics and dependence on energy have become such an important issue.

Numerous types of biomass and wastes contribute towards the production of energy and reduction in the use of fossil fuels by means of biological, chemical and thermal processes. Existing biomass and waste to energy technologies are currently undergoing rapid development. Despite growing interest in the use of these technologies however, in many countries their implementation is still limited.

The conference aims at presenting, sharing and discussing the advances made in the application of technologies for energy recovery from biomass and waste.

The program will include parallel tracks of oral sessions, workshops, poster presentations and much more.

The following topics, among others, will be extensively discussed:

Policies, strategies and regulations / Waste-to-Energy and Circular Economy / Biomass and waste characterisation as a potential energy source / Source sorting of materials for WtE conversion / Renewable fuel (biogas, biodiesel, bioethanol, liquified gas, etc.) / Biological waste to energy (anaerobic digestion, microbial fuel cell, biofuel) / Refuse-derived fuel/solid recovered fuel (rdf/srf) / Thermal treatment (combustion, pyrolysis, gasification and others) / Thermochemical low temperature conversion processes / Energy valorisation of sewage sludge and p removal from ashes / Integrated energy systems / Siting of plants / Small waste to energy treatment plants / WtE in developing countries / Economic aspects / Decision tools / Digitalization and automation / Climate change and sink / Ecotoxicological aspects and health issues / Architecture of waste-to-energy plants / Communication and public acceptance.

Read more about the conference topics >

The Call for Papers is officially open!

Present your work at VENICE 2022 by submitting your paper within 4th July 2022.


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