4th Biomass & Bioenergy Asia

4th Biomass & Bioenergy Asia

To be held on 17-19 January, 2018, in Ho Chi Minh City, 4th Biomass & Bioenergy Asia gathers key influencers and players from Asia’s biomass industry to discuss Southeast Asia’s pellet trade and biomass energy initiatives.

The summit hones in on the biomass market developments 

Heineken Vietnam Brewery (HVB), a JV between Heineken Asia Pacific (60%) and a state-owned company, Saigon Trading Group (40%) that runs 3 out of its 5 breweries on 100% renewable biomass energy with plans to convert the other two soon. 

Thailand’s Mitr Phol Grouitr Phol Group via its subsidiary – Panel Plus Bio-Power Co. has started a 9.9 MW rubber woodchips based power plant in Hat Yai, Songkhla province of Thailand that will turn approximately 120,000 tons of rubber woodchips per year into electricity. It has started generating electricity to Panel Plus Group since March 2017. 

Japan registered an increase in its biomass capacity by 122MW in the first 7 months of the year! Supported by the government’s feed-in-tariff (FiT) scheme, a further 212MW of dedicated biomass capacity is planned to begin operations in 2017, 166MW in 2018 and 426MW in 2019. 

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