3rd Biomass Trade & Power Europe

3rd Biomass Trade & Power Europe

CMT’s 3rd Biomass Trade & Power Europe, 7-8 Feb 2018, aims to cover the European wood pellet & chip market with key focus on the Danish markets that just last month witnessed another coal to biomass power plant conversion announcement – by DONG Energy in Kalundborg – its sixth coal to biomass plant. The European market has a slew of other biomass power plants by Drax in the UK, Hofor in Copenhagen as well as projects by RWE and Uniper in the Netherlands, and Lynemouth and MGT in the UK and many others.

These biomass power stations have together led to a rise in European wood pellets and chips demand to record highs in 2016 and more is to be imported in 2017 and 2018. The demand is expected to continue to increase with Danish demand for wood chips alone set to reach 2mn tonnes by 2019. With the wood pellet prices rebounding, Brexit and positive market sentiment in Japan and Korea, what is in store for Europe’s Biomass power markets in 2018?

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