Svebio's Fuel Market Day 2019
Presentations from Svebio's Fuel Market Day, 12 September 2019, in Stockholm. The presentations (pdf) will be available for download until 31 december 2019. Please contact Svebio if you have any questions or need access after 31 December, +46 (0)8-441 70 80.
- List of participants
- Bioenergy from boreal forests: Swedish approach to sustainable wood use (Report by Svebio / IRENA 2019)
Welcome and introduction to the Svebio Fuel Market Day
Gustav Melin, Svebio
Current trends on Swedish Bioenergy, forest growth volumes and carbon dioxide flux, REDII implementation in Sweden
Kjell Andersson, Svebio
End of subsidies – Challenges for the German waste wood market
Simon Obert, BAV, German Waste Wood Association
Waste wood in the UK and consequences of a Brexit
John Cook, Suez
An update on the Danish bioenergy market
Johan Granath, Ekman & Co
The new grading system for pulpwood – Possible implications for the fuelwood market
Lars Björklund, Biometria
Tight market situation, bark beetles and new dimension rules. How does Holmen meet the bioenergy market?
Peter Roland, Holmen Skog
Current Bio Oil market situation from a Swedish perspective
Mattias Bisaillon, Profu
Stockholm Exergy demand and supply of bio oil and wood pellets
Fredrik Boman, Stockholm Exergi
Bio oil – Swedish market development and trends
David Wiklund, Wibax Biofuels