Svebio Fuel Market Day: Learn more about the Nordic bioenergy markets situation
Every year is different on the bioenergy fuel market. Nature and climate, policies and regulations, technical change and investments create new conditions for sellers and buyers. Here are some of the issues that frame the market today:

Johan Granath, Ekman Group, Simon Obert, BAV, German Waste Wood Association,
Lars Björklund, Biometria and Peter Roland, Holmen Skog.
An update on the Danish bioenergy market. Johan Granath, Ekman Group
The Danish bioenergy market is one of the largest and most dynamic in Europe. Denmark imports an increasing amount of wood pellets and wood chips for heat and power production. Get an update on this vibrant market.
End of subsidies – Challenges for the German waste wood market.
Simon Obert, BAV, German Waste Wood Association
Changed regulation on waste wood has a big influence the market and exports. German coal and nuclear phase out will create new demand for biomass fuels. But how quickly will this happen?
The new grading system for pulpwood – Possible implications
for the fuelwood market. Lars Björklund, Biometria
The Swedish pulp mills will accept smaller dimension wood and wood that earlier may have been discarded. This will affect the fuel wood market.
Tight market situation, bark beetles and new dimension rules.
How does Holmen meet the bioenergy market? Peter Roland, Holmen Skog
- In central Europe, the infestation by bark beetles has caused greatly increased fellings and disruptions on the wood markets. Bark beetle damage is also an important factor for the Nordic wood and energy market.
You are most welcome to take part in the discussion already on the 12th of September in Stockholm.
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