Join us for for a study visit to Västhamnsverket CHP-plant in Helsingborg!
Join us in Helsingborg, Sweden, for the 24th edition of Svebio's annual pellet conference, Nordic Pellets 2018 Conference, 30-31 January 2018. This year promises to be something special. One of our site visit host utility company is Öresundskraft – a pioneering energy utility that 25 years ago lay the foundation for today’s global pellet industry when it contracted the first transatlantic shipment of pellets from western Canada to Helsingborg.
Öresundskraft in Helsingborg use up to 70 000 tons of pellets per year as fuel in Västhamnsverket. The CHP-plant has a capacity of 138 MW heat and 69 MW of power. The plant is using 2 000-2 500 hours per year, during the coldest months of the winter season to produce heat for the district heating network in Helsingborg. Västhamnsverket was built 1982 for coal and converted to pellets 1996.
Most welcome to Helsingborg 30-31 January!