Already on its 13th edition of a very successful series, Oleofuels will bring together senior representatives from the biodiesel, renewable diesel and HVO industries to discuss the latest market advancements, developments & business opportunities. You will benefit from numerous interactive sessions, presentations by senior representatives from ENI, Neste, Total, Clariant and Saipol to name a few, bringing forward their experience and insightful panel discussions, learning and excellent live networking opportunities with your senior level peers.
Who will you meet in Marseille?
We had a great response to the conference agenda with 120+ senior level attendees registered to date and many companies sending group delegations, including senior representatives from: Adamant / Afton Chemical / Air Liquide / Akiolis / Albemarle /Alpha Trading / Axens / BDI-BioEnergy International GmbH / Bioagra-Oil / Bioeton Deutschland GmbH / Bio-Oils Energy / BZK Sp. Z O.o. I Wspolnicy Sp. K. / Campa Iberia S.A.U / Cargill / Cepsa / Clariant / C.M. Bernadini / Concawe / Crown Iron Works /Crown Oil / Crystaphase / Darling Ingredients International / Desmet Ballestra / DYM Resources / ECB Group / EcoMotion Biodiesel / EIFER – European Institute for Energy Research * Element Alpha SA / ENI / Envien Group / EWABA / ExxonMobil /Fandango Collection & Recycling LTD / Galp Energia / GATX / Georgia-Pacific Chemicals / GePro Gelfugel-Protein Vertriebsgesellschaft MbH & Co. KG / GIG Karasek / Grace Gmbh / Green Biofuels Limited / GreenMot / Haldor Topsoe /Honeywell UOP / ILF Consulting Engineers Austria / IMERYS MINERALS / INA Group / Infineum / Inspectorate / Investancia /ISCC System GMbH / John Hogg / Koole Terminals BV / Kuwait Petroleum Research & Technology / Lipsa / Oils & Fats International / Mitsubishi Corporation / Neste / Nextchem / North European Oil Trade Oy / Novozymes / Oil-Dri / Perstorp /PMI-Group / PQ / Repsol / Ross Gordon Consultants SPRL / S&P Global Platts / Saipol / SC Expur SA / Shell / ST1 / Stepan /Stratas Advisors / Sulzer GTC Technology / Technip Energies / TotalEnergies / Uno-X Forsyning AS / UPM / VALIANT D.o.o. / Varo Energy / Vesta Terminals / Wibax / World Bioenergy Association / World Energy / and many more…