Decentralized Energy & co-generation Forum

Decentralized Energy & co-generation Forum

”A new era of Energy Distribution and Efficiency in The Philippines”

The Philippines suffers from chronic power shortages and one of the world’s most expensive energy cost. Yet, what most people do not realized is that the central power systems that are being used in the Philippines is highly inefficient, utilizing less than 20% of the energy that is available in the fuel that is being burnt.

The wider use of Decentralized Energy is a key solution to bringing about the cost-effective modernization and development of Philippines’ energy systems. Existing decentralized energy technologies can reduce delivered energy costs and decrease emissions of CO2 as well as other harmful pollutants.

The DECENTRALIZED ENERGY & CO-GENERATION FORUM 2017 is the only forum in the region dedicated to CHP & WHP. The event will bring together government, business and energy leaders together with industry experts, project developers, equipment suppliers, service providers and end-users to examine new technologies, market opportunities and operational case-studies.

There are many many MEGAWATTS of untapped energy potential being squandered every day! Turn that energy into Profit now!

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