Biogaz Europe

Biogaz Europe

Biogaz Europe is the leading international exhibition for green, renewable gas – ie biogas, biomethane (upgrading, methanation), and biongv – which is produced  from organic waste streams.

 The exhibition brings together the entire sector covering the feedstock supply chain and its pretreatment, the entire process of methanisation and digestate management to energy recovery, including co/tri-generation, upgrading and methanation to biomethane and biognv fuels.

 A broad programme for the two days including a rich international conference programme with simultaneous translationinternational business meetingsstudy tours, the innovation competition etc..

Key figures for the Biogaz Europe :
–  250 exhibiting companies from all across Europe

– 4000 professional visitors over the two days including farmers, agro-alimentary professionals, water treatment professionals, energy professionals, local authorities and policy makers, project developers etc

 For more details, please consult

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