Documentation from Svebios Fuel Market Day September 8
Documentation and recording from the on-site and online, Svebio Fuel Market Day 8 September, 2022. The documentation (pdf) will be available for download until 20 December 2022. Please contact Svebio if you have any questions or need access after December, +46 (0)8-441 70 80,
Current market statistics and prices
- Welcome to Svebio Fuel Market Day – Gustav Melin, Svebio
- Statistics and traded volumes at Baltpool Exchange, Baltic bioenergy development.
Andrius Smaliukas, Baltpool
- Swedish and international bio-oil and wood chip markets – market update and future outlook
Mattias Bisaillon, Profu
Market development and what large players ask for!
- Sustainability requirements – our licenses to operate
Lisbeth Lyck Sevel, Ørsted - Current situation on Polish biomass market
Rafał Gruszczyński, Polish Economic Chamber of the Wood Industry - Production plans and market development aspects from the worlds largest pellet producer
Justin Tait, Enviva
More forest biomass! – messuers how to increase wood chip production and supply
- Perspectives from a forest owners company, sourcing new sustainable biomass volumes
Fredrik Munter, Mellanskog - Small diameter bioenergy thinning – A quick way to large supply volumes
Dan Bergström, SLU
Recent policy development and certifying sustainable biomass
- Demonstrate your compliance with RED II requirements with SURE, cetificat system applicable in all EU member state
Thomas Siegmund, SURE - Update on the current EU policy fit for 55 and RED III progress. How does war impact EU bioenergy policy?
Irene Di Padua, Bioenergy Europe