Documentation ABC 2023

Documentation and recording from the on-site and online, Advanced Biofuel Conference 20-21 September, 2023. The documentation (pdf) will be available for download until 20 December 2023. Please contact Svebio if you have any questions or need access after December, +46 (0)8-441 70 80,

Day 1, 20 September

The EU landscape and R&I perspectives for advanced biofuels and biomethane
Maria Georgiadou, Senior Expert – Renewable Energy R&I Policy, European Commission, Belgium
Global development of advanced biofuels sector – data, net zero and markets
Bharadwaj Kummamuru, Executive Director, World Bioenergy Association
On the road to net zero: Opportunities for biofuels in road, aviation and beyond
Jan-Erik Nordström, Business Development Manager, Neste Corporation, Finland
Accelerating progress towards net zero emissions: The power of supplementing existing efforts
Henrik Brodin, Head of Energy, Södra, Sweden
Preem’s transitional journey: Advancing towards climate-neutrality by 2035
Johanna Rindebäck, Development engineer, New opportunities, Preem, Sweden
Biofuels production and development in China
Fuli Li, Professor, Qingdao Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
The Future of energy gases
Tommy Mattila, Vice President Transport & Industry, Gasum, Finland
Sustainable transports with decarbonized fuels – a heavy duty perspective
Monica Johansson, Fuel and Energy Analyst, Volvo Group, Sweden
Large scale catalytic pyrolysis pilot paving the way to commercial biocrude production
Joakim Autio, Solution development manager, Pyrolysis, Valmet Technologies, Finland

Day 2, 21 September

Progress in the production and use of Biojet/Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
Jack Saddler, Professor of Biofuels/Bioenergy, University of British Columbia (not available )
CH2ESS to accelerate hydrogen and ways to maximixe biojet production
Fredrik Granberg, Project Manager, Green Fuels Operation, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
A driving force in Sustainable Aviation
Isabelle Nordin, Sustainability Project Leader, SAS – Scandinavian Airlines, Sweden
Sustainable Aviation Fuel – A Society Value Proposition
Christian Janssen, Director External Ventures, St1
KBR PureSAFSM –A High-Value, Renewable, and Cost-Effective Solution for Sustainable Aviation Fuel Production
Yawar Naqvi, Leading the business development for PureSAF, KBR
Global marine biodiesel: demand drivers and opportunities today
Catherine Caulfield, Business Development Manager, Argus, United Kingdom
Recent IMO Actions to support achieving 2030 GHG Strategy
Ji-Man Seo, Senior Professional Officer, Marine Environment Division, International Maritime Organization IMO, United Kingdom
Port of Gothenburg as renewable energy hub
Therese Jällbrink, Renewable Fuel Expert, Port of Gothenburg, Sweden
Development and status of methanol as a marine fuel
Bengt Ramne, Managing Director, ScandiNAOS, Sweden 

Free IEA Bioenergy seminar
Assessment of Successes and Lessons Learned for Biofuels Deployment


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